Point of Purchase Displays Can Increase Sales by 20%

One of the most underutilized tools is the Point of Purchase (POP) displays. If your business isn’t taking advantage of that last-minute purchase decision that is made by customers, you are losing out on big sales. As your customers are waiting in line, give them something enticing to look at and potentially encourage another purchase.

Impulse buys

When we talk about impulse buys, we think that these sales are made impulsively by clients. The truth is, if you invest in a POP display, the sales may feel impulsive to the customer, but they have been carefully thought out by a marketing team. Many vendors understand this concept and will provide POP displays to go along with their products to increase interest and generate sales.IMG 0227 - Point of Purchase Displays Can Increase Sales by 20%

POP placement

Not all POP displays are near the front of the store. Placing the POP displays strategically will draw customers to various products or different sections of the store. POP displays can also help break up the monotony of walking down aisles full of products. The display should guide your customers through the store, and a POP display can make specific products “pop” and stand out amongst the rest.

Types of POP displays

A beautiful, bright, and bold sign is the most classic form of a POP display. With a store full of similar brands and items, many vendors will use POP signage to draw special attention to their product. The signs can be placed at the end of an aisle, drawing the attention of customers to a particular brand. A well-placed POP sign can increase sales by 20%. The second most used POP display is the “store within a store.” Having a POP display that features the product within the display case. This is particularly effective for new products that you want to draw attention to, or your big sales items. A POP display can also help you move items that aren’t selling. Making some products look and feel more special by highlighting them with a POP display will attract more sales.