Avoid Poor Placement Mistakes for Your Storefront Sign

There is one major installation mistake for storefront signage, and that’s poor placement. The style, design, and placement of a storefront sign should shed a positive light on your business, plus it should be informative and stand out. Here’s what to consider regarding the placement of your storefront sign.

Hanging your storefront sign

Zeal Confluence 2 - Avoid Poor Placement Mistakes for Your Storefront SignWe’ve been installing signage and graphic installations for a long time, so we know how easy it is to make a mistake. When people try to hang their own sign, one of the major errors that happen is problems with the placement. The placement should complement your storefront, make the sign noticeable from various angles, and most importantly, it needs to be straight. Tiny little mistakes become very noticeable, like a sign that is a bit off-center, or just a little uneven.


The sign should be visible when people are coming up to your store, but it should also be visible from various distances and angles. Before hanging a sign, make sure that you check out all the angles to get the most visibility and the perfect placement. Be aware of any obstacles that may obstruct your sign and make adjustments.


DSC00157 - Avoid Poor Placement Mistakes for Your Storefront SignOf course, you also want to find the best placement that compliments the look of your storefront. Aligning the sign with your store entrance is a crucial component in proper placement. If there is a good reason for your storefront sign to be placed away from the door, make sure the sign is very clear where you are to enter. You don’t want to confuse your customers about where your store entrance is located and end up in the wrong shop.


Bigger isn’t always better. You want your sign to be visible, but you don’t want it to be obnoxious. A giant sign can stick out like a sore thumb and prevent business. You may also make your neighbors mad. The sign should complement the ambiance of the neighborhood as well as create intrigue for your store. Another problem with large signs is that they can obstruct the view of cars and pedestrians and become a safety issue. That is particularly true for signage that isn’t installed flush with the building but hangs out over the sidewalk. Avoid placement problems by having your storefront sign professionally installed by PG Install